Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Seaside adventure

It was a slow day today. There were things I should have done but after sleeping 13 hours I didn't feel like doing much. I'd worked up the motivation to bake some South African Rusks but before I got to the kitchen I got a phone call.

Would you like to come to the beach?

Now in the city centre it was a lovely day, sunny and warm. I dressed appropriately in shorts, strappy top and even put my cossie on just in case. As we drove toward portobello the haar was beginning to blow in to town. We wandered along the beach in a chilly wind (thankful for the jumper I'd packed).

J decided to try and walk along the sea defence fences as the tide was in and a lot of them were covered in water. He got as far as he could. N & I stood on the beach, very aware of what was likely to happen next. I'd even started to get my camera out of my bag. Yes, as he turned to come back the way, he fell in.

We left him outside the cafe like a naughty little child whilst we went in to buy ice creams (there's a shop that stocks the Chocolate Tree's dairy free chocolate sorbet!). By the time we'd bought our ice creams the haar had engulfed the beach, yet it didn't put the families off. Walking back I strolled through the tide, getting deeper and deeper without realising. Soon the waves were lapping on my shorts. Bags and valuables were handed to N and I went in. It was brilliant, far warmer than the reservoir and fun with the waves too!

We made our way back to town via the chippy as no trip to the beach is complete without fish and chips for tea then dried off watching the Olympics.

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