Small white

Work was very busy as usual and when I'd finished my shift, I still had quite a bit of running around to do. On my walk to the nearest supermarket, I tried to photograph some of the bees that were visiting a flower bed but failed miserably. A butterfly, which I've hopefully identified correctly as a Small White, was doing the same. At some point, it landed right in front of me and even sat still for about two minutes before it flew off again.

After the cooler temperatures from the last few days, the warmer weather seems to be making a comeback. Much to my regret as higher temperatures and I do not get on very well.

I can now look forward to a long weekend as Monday is an official holiday here in Belgium and Sunday and Tuesday are my usual days off from work. I intend to keep these two days rather quiet as on Monday I'm off on the train to go and have lunch with my brother, like he has been asking for a while now, instead of him coming over here.

I have backblipped yesterday's entry and hope you will take a look.

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