It's so hard being a rabbit

There are days when I would happily trade with Rosie and today is one of them. Saturday is going to be an extra day off as it's a holiday here in Belgium. Unfortunately, that means that today has been quite hectic - and tomorrow will most likely be the same - because all the work from that day has to be done in the run up to it.

For today's entry I had to resort to a few emergency photos of Rosie when I got home from the appointment with my GP. Unfortunately, by then the thunderstorm that was starting to develop was making it go darker quite quickly and the photos didn't look as bright as I would have liked them to.

The GP confirmed my thoughts that my foot just needs time to get better and that it would not particularly benefit from more physio sessions, so Monday will be my last one. She did say though that it would be good if I continued to do the exercises from the physio at home.

Many thanks for the kind comments and stars on yesterday's Harvestman blip.

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