
Today was an excellent example of the Akbuk Space-time continuum, where every minute lasts an hour and every day has 36 such hours in it. A new state of Nirvana was reached and the following was achieved:

In the morning, at 10.30,  I went to Didim with Mehmet and renewed my insurance for the flat, drank tea and bought a new table and chairs for the balcony at the back. Not sure why I did that as I already have a table and chairs. hmmm. 

The rest of the morning and well in to afternoon was spent poolside and odd jobs in-between.

Around 16.00 I suppose, in other words, just a few Akbuk minutes since getting back from Didim, Robin and I went to the ancient Greek settlement of Didyma (after which todays town of Didim is named), see the ruins of the Temple of Apollo, and then trundled round one of the tourist shops where we bought some onyx bric-a-brac, simply to support the shop owner whose kitty was comatose in the heat, lying in a box of souvenir tat (extra pic). Anyone who tolerates their kitty preventing sales, gets my custom :)

Then after a refreshing drink while observing the locals (2nd extra pic) we drove down in to and around Didim for a bit before ending up at the Marina, having delightful dinner at the restaurant I like so much - Key-F, and it was STILL only 21.00 when we got home and sat on the balcony with a beer. 

Didyma information here

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