Passing Through Yell

It's not been much of a day, showers for the most of it but it was starting to clear when I finished work.  Heading north, and it's back to dull and misty.

Another day working on the museum desk.  A busy day it's been and more boat trips and events for Boat Week.  There has also been a cruise ship in Lerwick again today.  Finished work and got all things packed up and heading to Unst for the weekend, with Sammy and the caravan. Might try a few pints in the pub later.

The skies dulled down when we arrived in Yell, and the mist rolled down the hills, exact same for Unst too.  Inwas hoping for some sunshine, hopefully arrive again soon.  This was a quick snap, as we were approaching Windhouse, the haunted house, and looked spooky with the mist surrounding it.

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