
A slightly over-long drive to Fougeres – our stopping-off point on the journey down to Carnac – due to a slight satnav misunderstanding. Who’d have thought that Britanny (or, possibly, the Pays de Loire, I’ll have to check the map) also has a small town called Fougere – sans the ‘s’ – just below Le Mans. We were somewhat off-course before we realised our mistake. Anyway, the castle at Fougere, when we did finally arrive, was even more impressive than I remembered and we had a very pleasant café au lait in the square at the front when we’d worked up a decent thirst hiking up and down all the existing towers. Our serviceable B&B hotel was at nearby Auray rather than Carnac itself  but the town turned out to be pretty enough, with a very nice medieval port – we availed ourselves of one of its many creperies before heading back for an early night…

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