
Dropped the boys off at the kennels, packed up the car and headed off to Portsmouth for the overnight ferry to Caen, stopping off for a picnic and leg-stretch break at the White Horse at Uffington, in Oxfordshire. A really nice spot, as it happens, particularly on a nice sunny day like this one – but the Horse itself turned out to be both smaller than we’d anticipated and somewhat harder to get a decent look at in its entirety. The low flat hill below it – which we trekked down quite a precipitous bank to get too, having approached from above – was definitely man-made but whilst it might have been a very nice burial mound or Neolithic picnic spot it was clearly not designed as a viewing platform. Ironically the best view turned out to be the one from the road as we drove away. At Portsmouth we eschewed any further history and had quite a pleasant wander round the retail outlet village instead and tea at Zizzi’s on the waterfront. By the time we were safely onto the ferry we stayed up just long enough to have a drink and watch it leave port from the rear deck…

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