
I'm not sure if it's a widely known fact but during the summer holidays some of the London colleges rent out their halls of residence to people looking for somewhere a little cheaper to stay. For our trip down to see A Winged Victory For The Sullen, the Minx booked us into a room at Imperial College. 

I have to say that as rooms go, it was considerably more upmarket than my room in the Carnatic Halls of Residence in Liverpool thirty years ago. (Mind you, maybe these rooms were just as nice then and maybe McNair Hall is still the same as it was in 1985.) This was the view through the (slightly grotty) window, over the roof tops. 

The breakfast in the refectory was pretty good, too - apart from the coffee, it has to be said - and then we walked through Hyde Park to Oxford Street and on to Euston Station.  It was quite extraordinary to step into the park and walk for perhaps a mile through the greenery in the centre of London, suddenly unable to hear the traffic and noise. 

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