
I think it might have been the walk home that made the difference but I had no problems getting out of bed this morning and straight to work (after a quick dash down the coffee place in the foyer), managing to get in three or four hours before I met Mum and Dad for lunch, which was really lovely; very relaxed and chatty.

Then it was back to my room for a couple more hours before I headed out to the Phoenix Artist Club for a few drinks with Dean, Colin, and Frank, none of whom really know each but who all possess such abundant charm and wit that the evening passed very enjoyably, until it was time for Frank to leave and for the rest of us to seek some sustenance.

And so it was we repaired north to Drummond Street, to the Shah, which was recommended to me last year and is now my favourite place to go for a curry in London. Furthermore, although only Colin and Dean are pictured above, balance was restored by David, who'd come into town after a rehearsal and joined us just as the poppadoms were appearing. Perfect.

I decided to learn from the practice of the last two evenings and walk back from Euston down to Waterloo, pretty much tracing the route of the Northern Line beneath my feet.

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