
A lazy morning at our lofty AirBnB, high in the hills behind Hebden Bridge, came to an end only when we needed breakfast badly enough, and we walked down the the steep roads and found a café for breakfast. While we enjoyed coffees and bacon rolls, the Minx read her book and I enjoyed the two booklets that came with the 'New Gold Dream' boxed set that arrived yesterday morning before I set off for Hebden Bridge.

After that we mooched around the town, buying bits and pieces from an amazing vintage shop and other little galleries and art shops. At some point I cracked and stopped for a glass of wine and a bit of blogging, which was very pleasant. We had a late afternoon snack at the pub before going to see 'Maggie's Plan' at the Picturehouse, which was really enjoyable even if it finished a little abruptly. 

Then it was just a matter of grabbing a takeaway before tackling the steep climb back up to our digs. I'd brought my proper camera with me, this weekend, but hadn't taken it down into the town today, so I snapped a few shots from just outside the house. This was the best, I'm afraid.

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