Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Spot the dog

Dylan did. We were trotting back to the house together - he is often found hundreds of yards away chatting to strangers, sitting on cars, stalking birds etc - when he saw not one but two dogs out for a walk. Lets just say that the next bit of the journey was done at the gallop ...

This was taken on the corner of our local building site with hoardings and barriers and god knows what else. Hence the racetrack appearance in the background.

The Therapeutic Journey

We spent the morning in a workshop. I had an occupational health interview first (by 'phone) and agreed that I would do a phased return to normal working hours. But its proving tricky. I was really tired this afternoon and Scout and I snoozed on the sofa for an hour. 

Adjustment, as they say, can be a slow and sometimes difficult business. But I am cautiously optimistic because I think I may have addressed the most important bit, namely my own attitude.

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