Celebratory Tea

This is my 2000th blip entry and what better way to celebrate than a delicious afternoon tea at Hopetoun House tearoom. Actually it was already arranged as an anniversary gift (in June) from the ever-generous Younger Flums. As you see, we made short work of the selection on offer.

As to blip, I still have a load of backblips to put up (when I remember where they all are), so I could have achieved this landmark some time ago. However, I am so grateful for all the comments and stars, from regulars or those just dropping in, and I do enjoy dropping in on other blips as I browse; this is what makes blip so compelling. And - just imagine - I am a shareholder in this wonderful community. Thanks to the Fab Four (or five) and roll on the next milestone. 

P.S. I have received a call from the Flumlet's Daddy to say he has survived the accidents under our care yesterday and even managed to bump his nose at bathtime. We therefore remain on the care rota (as if we ever doubted it...).

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