A Wheel On Park Lane, London

I got such a lovely surprise yesterday. A friend and work colleague gave me a framed print that he took of me while we were both at a Guy Bourdin exhibition as a present to mark my 25 years at my place of work. It was such a nice thing to do and cheered me up so much. It now takes pride of place on my desk at work (which for some reason they decided to carpet (!) as part of the new SUPER STUDIO).
If you don't know about Guy Bourdin check out his work - he was a genius at colour photography, often featuring fashion but was also surreal, subversive and sometimes very sensual. The exhibition I went to see was in London about 18 months ago (check out my blip form 29/12/2014) and seeing his stunning prints one after the other was just spellbinding - it was probably on a par with a William Eggleston one I saw a few years before that.

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