
By Mindseye

Mancunian musings

We all had a decent nights sleep, Emily didn't wake until,just after 8 ;-)

Today we took a trip into Manchester, as the weather was not great......we spent a good while in Waterstones. Emily chose 3 new books for her birthday, which is coming up in a couple of weeks.

We let Emily choose where we went for lunch, she chose an Italian as she loves pasta and pizza.........she ordered ceostini followed by Burger and Fries :-/ we had antipasti and a picante chicken flatbread :-) by the time we left, it had started with that heavy drizzle, so it was on with our waterproof jackets!

After that we walked down to M&S as Emily needed a new swimsuit for her holidays, she chose a turquoise and white striped suit, with a big purple and pink butterfly on the front.

I'd spoken to mum this morning and she had asked me to pick up a couple of things she needed, so we got those, plus one or two things we needed from the food hall.
Then a quick look at something for daughters birthday whilst we were there.......before walking back to the car park......minus £12 we drove to mums.

Mum was pleased to see us, especially Emily as she doesn't get to see the great grandchildren that often......we had a good couple of hours there. Mum was showing Emily photographs of me as a baby!!!!

We left just in time to hit the rush hour traffic so it took a while to get home, Emily fell asleep ;-). After tea Emily & grandad played with her new BFG spelling game, grandad needs the practice ;-)

Today's blip is a city centre offices dwarfing folk going about their business :-)

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