Mono Monday:Taste....

....or a matter thereof.

First thing I did this morning was pop around the corner to get some croissants for breakfast asyoudo.
It actually took about 3 corners as the first 2 boulangeries I came to had closed up for the summer holidays.
However I was eventually successful and photographed them before eating them on our balcony - again asyoudo.
Then I looked up too see what the MM theme for this week was. Blip.

However after that I changed my mind and am posting this girl whose outfit and tatts, including the tummy ones, are a matter of taste I guess.

The croissants are an extra.

Thanks JDO. I like these themes. In fact I was a bit sorry it wasn't smell this week. I would have done the fromagerie :-)

PS. For the record we went to Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, Les Invaldes and the Louvre. We didn't go inside any except Les Invalides to see Napoleon's tomb and the army museum. The queues at the others were at least 100m long and with the exception of Wally we have all done it before.
I am just as happy to see Paris from the outside these days, especially in weather like this.

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