All the Bells and Whistles*

This vehicle was spotted by OilMan as he was walking back to the car from Acre Coffee. He thought it was funny. I just don't know what to make of it…probably another example of what OilMan thinks of as my lack of sense of humor. Exactly what kind of statement is this person trying to make? I'm sure somebody will have a clever suggestion….

We spent the better part of the day waging rat wars….Dana, bless her heart, came over and moved old fence posts and rails out from under a space underneath the place where we keep our garbage cans. There is clear evidence that rats and something larger have spent time down there, but today there was nothing but spiders. It was a really dirty job and we still have to find somebody to haul it away but, armed with gloves and a mask Dana got it cleared out.

While I cut down a large leucadendron which was planted much to close to the house and was providing a highway via a palm tree up to the attic. While I did that OilMan and Dana dug trenches around the base of one of several decks and buried hardware wire suspended from the edge of the deck. Rat Man seemed convinced that rats could dig tunnels under concrete , but we are skeptical. 

It all seems daunting and impossible to me, but OilMan seems quite willing to see what he can do before he admits defeat and pays someone to do things he's not convinced need doing. We shall see….

*Thanks to Lady Findhorn for the new and improved title suggestion

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