Baby Lizard

This little lizard was only about two inches long, including the long tail. I took pictures from both sides of the screen and decided I liked this one because it showed the detail of the little lizard against an interesting background.

Unlike rats I quite like the lizards, most of them Western Fence Lizards, which live in our stone walls all over the garden. They have bright blue bellies, but aren't terribly keen on rolling over so that their bellies can be photographed. They don't seem to cause any problems, hibernating in the winter and emerging in the spring just in time to eat a lot of the bugs that appear at about the same time. I lwish I could  do push-ups on the rocks in the sun as effortlessly as they do.

The grape crush has already begun in some of the warmer parts of the Napa and Sonoma Valleys, especially in the wineries that line Highway 12 where we live at the foot of Hood Mountain. It is unusually early for the crush. I have never heard of it happening before the middle of August or even September. Even the grapes seem to recognize climate change. According to those in the know, 2016  promises to be an excellent year, especially for Pinot Noir. This is certainly good for Sonoma County whose economy is becoming increasingly linked to the wine industry.

We are enjoying rosé in the hot weather we have been having. I always thought it was only a matter of time before OilMan planted his own vineyard, but he is adamant that it is too much work and too much money. Why toil over a vineyard when one can buy a decent bottle of white or rosé for $10 at Safeway, and enjoy it in the garden?

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