Just the Withers......

By JaneW

The art of having a good funeral...

1.make sure the person is dead,other wise it's not a funeral it's a party ..
2.Get caterers so widow Twanky (Ros,Louise's mum in this case ) does not have to wear herself out ...
3.get Widow Twankys antipodean friend to do ALL the waitressing and washing up..
4.have a humanist service .. It was brilliant (Graham did not think much of religion so it was perfect ... )
5.have me there ...
6.have me there ..
7.... Have I mentioned to have me there ?
8.let me taste test all the food .. I'm selfless
9.Do a rousing rendition of 'So long,farewell' from The Sound of Music.
10.did I mention you should invite me ?

Louise's dad would have enjoyed that today .. But then that would have made it a party ;-)

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