
Katie had her clarinet lesson this morning. Except today I was leaving her with B for the lesson and for the morning. When I returned, I was whisked into the music room and treated to a little concert. On the saxophone! She learnt 5 notes, played a little piece and then in true Katie style went on to play the new world symphony, learning a new note as she played!

B said she'd been really focused and worked very hard for her clarinet lesson. She certainly was well rewarded with stickers. They then went for a walk and a babyccino before going back to play some games, have a bit of iPad time and lunch & generally just have a good old time!

I got back early afternoon and we came home. She wanted to show me what she had learnt in clarinet as she has been given a tricky new scale and a piece she'd been keen to learn. One of her summer projects is to learn as many of the animals from carnival of the animals as possible. This week she has the swan.

We then spent a while on her holiday scrap book. We are very nearly up to date now! We spent some time sorting out our weekend things as we are going away overnight at the crack of dawn. Some fabulous London adventures await!!

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