Thursday: Jasenovac

This morning I took a trip out to Jasenovac, about an hours drive east of Zagreb and very close to the Bosnian border.  Jasenovac was the site of a concentration camp in the Second World War and today there was a commemoration ceremony remembering the Roma who lost their lives there in the war.  There were lots of representatives from the Roma community, some of whom sang traditional Roma songs.

One person who gave a speech this morning was the film producer, Branko Lustig, whose works as a producer include 'Schindler's List' and 'Gladiator'.  He is also a Croatian and an Auschwitz survivor.

Before we left, my colleague and I walked up to the main memorial, seen here, to clear our heads a little.

On another note, Kuifje and the lovely M. have returned after their Croatian roadtrip.  Given that they had no SatNav, we are very relieved to see them!

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