Just the tonic

Had a big dose of li'l sis entertainment and cuddles today which helped to distract me from feeling sorry for myself. She seems to sense when I'm not feeling my best and sets about fixing it. She had me crying tears of laughter when she was trying to help our mam use the computer.
I woke ridiculously early after a late one, feeling very fragile! Although it was worth it.
The dreaded clean up felt like punishment but I got it done pretty efficiently. My poor house! I remembered why I don't invite people round too often- they make a mess! The other half tackled the cleaning of the bbq! Not for the fainthearted.
Two friends then came to collect some belongings and ended up joining me in the garden for a few hours before I headed to the bottle bank with two bin liners full of bottles!
A home cooked chicken curry for tea and a hair of the dog!
The sky was amazing tonight too! (additional)

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