Womsie and duck

Another stupidly early start
But managed to contain them in bed till 7am, got Wom to nursery and then took munchie to the £1 shop. She thinks it's amazing.


We pottered / tidied

Went to visit new nursery. Seems great. They do breakfast before drop off at school and tea after collection from school. Win win. The best bit was munchie was keen to go off exploring all on het own.
Settling sessions booked.

Playing - gave munchie three cups, baby bottle and empty bottle of squash and she had a tea party in her plsy house.

Picked Wom up. He had sleep. Munchie and I watched peppa DVDs.

Auntie Katie and Lucy came to play / have tea. Lovely to see the three of them playing nicely.

Just battling to get them both to sleep now

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