
By IntothewildMan

Sheringham just after sunset

I had a rather tough lesson. I took Jess down to Cromer to meet some friends, round about half past eight in the evening. I took my camera with me and as luck would have it, it was a beautiful evening. The sun was setting out over the sea, a colourful array of night clouds lit up by its fading light. I stood on the steps down to the beach and I could scarcely believe the beauty of it. I spent a while framing my shots. A small fishing boat was making its way home. The pier was standing out darkly against the sea which was almost translucent in the evening light. A lone figure was sitting on the beach, reading a book on her kindle, silhouetted against the waves. I took shot after shot and was really excited about the quality of the pictures I was getting; my camera has a large LED screen so I could get a pretty good impression of the images once I had taken them. Every now and then a strange symbol appeared in the viewfinder that I was unfamilar with. I clicked on "exit" and carried on. Finally as the dusk drew in and I was about to turn back towards the car, a stark error message came up on the camera screen: "Insert your memory card". I had been firing blanks all along!

This evening we had the last yoga class of the term down in Sheringham. We were introduced to a different approach called restorative yoga which I much enjoyed. The characteristic stiffnesses and tensions of the body are challenged by supporting stress points with bolsters, blocks and blankets, encouraging it to let go more deeply. I was in something of a peaceful daze afterwards and left my glasses behind at the class. We walked down to the seafront and I took a couple of photos and then, fortunately, remembered about my glasses and went back for them.

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