Pointe d'Orny

WHR day 1

Day one of the WHR passed well, the Aiguillette Posettes afforded us some glimpses of Mont Blanc and the range as far as the Aguille Verte, but after yesterday's heavy storms there was a lot of time in lifting cloud too. It added to the drama.

The guys from sea level New York suffered a little with the ascent, whilst the ultramarathon runner from Australia went for a run before we set off. But all things considered the signs are good.

Arriving in beautiful Trient we made the most of the last bit of blue sky before the evening rain set in and paused by the crossing of the Nant Noir to look up at tomorrow's route. I was struck just how strikingly clear this vantage point showed the glacial nature of the valley. This shot shows the Pointe d'Orny and the Trient Glacier - sadly now hugely in retreat. Tomorrow we walk into the valley and climb steeply to its left flank until we can find our way through the Fenetre d'Arpette.

Notes for self
D1. AL 2/10

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