My Best Efforts - Year 3


Little Donkey................

(Well known Christmas song).....................Yes, I know it's not Christmas but this little Donkey was so appealing, I could not resist. Donkeys (correctly "Asses") are very gregarious animals and can fret if left on their own. so was pleased to see it grazing quite happily in a large field with a rather scruffy, but loveable pony. Could not see if it was Male (Jack) or Female (Jenny). Usual life span is between 25 and 30 years so need owners with a lifetime commitment. Have been known to live to 45yrs.
Interestingly, USA President, George Washington, owned the first donkeys to be born in the USA.

Thank you to everyone who helped to put my "Nasturtiums through Other Eyes " on to the Spotlight page yesterday - my appreciation, pleasure and thanks do not decrease. So, very many thanks again.

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