
By Chiaroscuro

Another ordinary day

Can it be? 3000 images . . .

A little more than eight years . . . how time flies.

How well do I remember that 1st celebration -  300 blips! Not even one year had passed! It felt like an eternity!
Not always easy to find a suitable blip, then, and same today!

Little has changed, but, thinking a bit, I realize that that is far from the truth - much has changed!
Blip has gone through an upheaval that almost caused a melt-down. Looking back on this troublesome time, I think that the Blip Community can be complimented and encored for sticking together, believing, sticking it out and making it work!
You are one of a kind -

So sad to have seen some (?) of the original Blip team depart; they will always fill a very special place in the hearts of us oldies.
Nonetheless, the new Blip team is as awesome; having done what they did as far as the rescue was concerned, and holding the Blip flag high,  you are just great guys, and doll(s)! Thanks to you all.

Over the years I have come to know many new friends: chances are slim that we shall ever meet. Yet, through the images and write-ups, we all share in each others delights and dilemmas.
Thank you for the comments, hearts and faves bestowed - each is much appreciated.

What have I learned through the past 8+ years, and the 3000 consecutive blips? . . . sometimes it will be easy and sometimes not -  don’t give up.
When energy levels are low, inspiration nowhere to be found, keep going.

What always energized me, was finding, per chance, an image in the least expected and most unusual place . .
Afterwards I realized that it was there, all the time . . . just waiting . . .

A few words to ponder:

The real voyage of discovery consists of not seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes . .
~ Marcel Proust

No object is mysterious. The mystery is your eye.
~ Elizabeth Bowen

We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.
~ Anais Nin

Seeing is a gift that comes with practice.
~ Stephanie Mills

The whole of life lies in the verb: seeing.
~ Teilhard De Chardin

The eyes have only one language everywhere...
~ George Herbert

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.
~ Edgar Degas

The principal person in a picture is light.
~ Manet

The question is not what you look at, but what you see.
~ Thoreau

Thank you for looking into my journal - I am honored by your presence.

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