boeuf alors

Up early-ish and went into Nyons to sort out passport photos and get a few things. It's boiling here at the moment so town was hot!

Home for a little lunch and then sat up on the terrace for a bit. Mireille and Amélie called round to the house - so lovely to see them. Amélie's almost 20! She is studying Korean and English at uni and is about to head off to Seoul for 6 months to study.

Dad, mum and I then headed into Nyons for dad to pick up some results from the doc. All good news, so that was a relief. Had some ice cream to celebrate :)

Got back and decided to let the chicks out on the terrace for a bit of freedom. They loved it! Bit of a palaver to catch the wee buggers in the end though! Still, great to see them getting a bit of a fly around. They can't go too far, but their wings are still taking them a brave distance.

Cooked the first of the beef tonight - the liver. It was bloody gorgeous.

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