Epic Fail

So tonight was a disappointing turn of events. We planned on dining at Fat Cow but ended up going back to Asian Side Wok because the former was closed on Mondays. And we didnt know about it. What was worse was that we were stuck in traffic for 30mins going to Asian Side Wok from Fat Cow. It was only supposed to be a less than 3minute drive since they are literally neighbors. Nevertheless, I had my Seafood Laksa (finally got a good photo of it in Extra Photos Section) and tried a few more dishes (Shrimp Noodles and Breaded Tofu) which were delish as expected.

After dinner, I cycled alone (brother wont accompany me) and went on an 8.6km ride today. So I think I burned a tiny portion of the calories I gained during dinner after cycling. Not bad.

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