
What a glorious day. We never usually get a lie in on a Sunday so we made the most of it having had Immy over for the day yesterday (Rosie has a German exchange over for a week so we haven't seen her). The grass has been cut but apart from that we've just been doing household jobs.

Having delivered the grass mowings to the recycling centre, I stopped in the village to photograph a cottage that to be honest, I hadn't really noticed before. As I was lining up the shot, a passer by stopped and suggested using a hidden footpath and crossing a field as it might offer some scenes invisible from most passers by. She was right, barely 2 minutes from the main road I was, what felt like, deep in the country side. The cows didn't take too long to spot me though so after firing off a few frames I returned. More to be discovered here I think.

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