What weird weather?!

Today it has been 'officially too hot' on our very sunny sun terrace for Ann. Haven't a clue what the temperature was over lunchtime but we're sure it must have been pushing 40c?!
Ann did a morning shift at her new job in the 'Harbour Pool Club' and is going to be left by herself on Wednesday evening. Scary times?! came home at lunchtime, put out the sun lounger cushions and in the time it took her to go back into the house for her trashy magazines................ the sun lounger cushions had turned into a boiling hot bed which just about killed her?!!
Attempted to lie in the sun but it was way to hot for both of us.
At half three we went on my afternoon walk – along the lane and down onto the coastal path. We left our home in mega hot temperatures and by the time we reached the coastal path the mist was rolling in. It was weird. All along the coast path was thick mist and we couldn't see a thing and yet if we looked up the hill there was brilliant blue skies?!!!
….................And now the mist has rolled in even further............................ Everywhere is shrouded in an eerie mist.
Ann's just been out for a couple of glasses of wine with her neighbour, Caroline. And according to Caroline's weather app the mist was supposed to clear at 8pm..................
…...........Mmmmmmmm........................ Seems like the weather apps are lying again??!!

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