We'll do our own

I am really enjoying the feeling that I have nothing that I HAVE to do on the weekends. It's not that I am doing more sitting around reading or doing crosswords or whatever; the change is more that there is no longer that sense that something else is hanging over me. I am regretful that I have informed the Family Court that I cannot take any briefs from them, as I am aware that few of my colleagues will do this work. Deciding that I have to reduce what I have been doing has had an immediate effect on my well being (although maybe the pills have also helped!).

S and I went to the garden centre (now called a Plant Barn, of all things) to get container mix and plants to upgrade the planting on the deck. We could have bought more pots and had the potting up done for us. Neither of us even considered doing it. The display makes for a good photo, however.

When we got home I did a little outside, in between the repetitive showery squalls. Afterwards we were visited by daughter C, and I was able to get some photos as the sun approached the horizon; behind the clouds. The last photo I took is my extra for today. Thereafter, the clouds thickened and the light rapidly faded without any more colour.

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