Got-Cha Rat!
The rat that gnawed the top off my biggest carrot came back for more. Sorry if this offends sensibilities, but I’m having a problem with rats at present. They have invaded the greenhouse, the veranda, and even come into the house. I don’t like poison so traps are the best solution.
Today was sunny with no wind, which meant I could work outside. I weeded the twelve pots and troughs that contain my miniature bulbs and other spring plants. The were heavily infested with shrub seedlings. Fortunately most of the containers were light enough for me to carry to the chopping block to work on without too much bending.
There’s a bunch of tiny irises in flower, and another of small snowdrops in bud. Most are still to come up.
My backup hard drive came to grief today. It made an ominous noise and I had a message that it failed to update on schedule. It also failed to verify and repair itself. I switched to another hard drive and the backup took more than an hour to complete, hopefully an indication that it was a full backup.
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