Against the grain

Thanks once again to youoregon1 for organising Abstract Thursday and stretching my little grey cells.
The theme was 'selfie' today and not wanting to put people off their supper I've followed my hand through the day.
I hate the word selfie and at first wasn't keen on the idea but as I thought about it I enjoyed thinking about it  ... what we're doing when we take self portraits, I thought about Rembrandt's pictures and then I was wondering about what it was for my 'self' to be in a place, what the place does to me, what I do to the place, when my self 'moves into the frame', parts of self, seen, unseen, and so it goes on.
I followed my hand through the day and was fascinated as I realised what it went through as the day unfolded ... getting up, driving to work, at work, going home, against the garden shed as I fed the sad looking tomato plant, cycling to the lake and against the setting sun.
I was not unsurprised by how important my ring was. A colleague has lost theirs recently at work I realised how bereft I would be. Another colleague and I talked about how important it was to us both to get married ... how we had both always thought it wouldn't matter a jot and yet, how much it did when we did ... the real felt difference we had both noticed between having the labels 'partner' and 'husband/wife' and how we just hadn't expected it.
Interesting to think how your body moves through the day, how much we use it in the world, how we interact, all it's gestures and ways of being.

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