Mr Postman look and see … if there’s a letter…

 …. a letter for me …

I’ve been waiting for this letter for ages.  Anniemay rang the hospital last week for an update and was told I was not on the list, never have been on the list and who am I anyway?  Ten minutes later they rang back and said “oops…. found him”.  Or something like that.  And now I have proof.

The claimed success rate for the procedure is 80% (although not necessarily in one go…)    There are risks, as there is with all surgery.  It’s just a matter of sorting out the numbers. and tossing a coin.

In researching this procedure on the internet - which is not always a good idea - there’s a fine line between reassurance and scaring yourself witless - I found a youtube video posted by a cardiologist in York advising people not to have an ablation on the grounds that it is “an invasive, non-natural procedure”.  I would have thought that all surgery was invasive and unnatural.  I wouldn’t be here today without someone invading my body with a knife and cutting bits out.  There is nothing ‘natural’ about that.  Unless you’re a butcher or a chef.

The doctor’s preferred option is to treat the condition with drugs.  I’ve had four different heart drugs over the years and none of them have worked.  The latest has unpleasant side effects, the most unsettling being hallucinations and nightmares.  I woke up this morning imagining that Boris Johnson was Foreign Secretary, which means he is in charge of MI6.  I told Anniemay and she reassured me it was just a bad dream.

We both agreed that the sooner I have surgery the better.

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