A Sneaky Peak

After a glorious sunny day its gone all overcast and grey again. Not ideal for some lovely shiny summer evening shots :( More gloominess is on the way for tomorrow so I hear.

A better day in the office today. I can't believe I was called to a meeting to discuss the Christmas party! Apparently Nicki thought it prudent and Kasia was keen to plant the idea of Santa strippers. I raised my left eyebrow at them both :)

Had an interesting client who has introduced Segways to a campsite in Blair Atholl and hopes to bring them to a site in the city by October. Can you imagine the fun? Mayhem and chaos if I ever get on one.

Took the hound for a walk but the wildflowers were blowing in the breeze and the landscape was a flat grey. So you have a wee peak down the path and through the trees to the fields beyond

Almost Wednesday.... :)

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