A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

William Hogarth

I think William Hogarth may be the best known former resident of W4.* Though I presume it was simply Chiswick at the time. I probably pass this statue at least once a day and probably as many times think about blipping it so when I saw it adorned this morning it seemed the right time.

A pretty good day around here. J has done many activities, including starting to read a fiction book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night. Only 5 pages for now but a huge start. And he enjoyed them, though it did prompt some very giggly conversations about swear words. Partly because of what has happened, and partly because he is a giant and partly because he is generally quite sensible and mature in his thinking about the world I don't always think of him as 12 so it was rather sweet and lovely to see him behaving exactly that age.

I even managed to switch my work head on for a working session to plan a new project for a client this afternoon.

And I am trying very hard not to get too cross about hearing the constant news reports of the unelected Prime Minister being invited (wtf) by the unelected Head of State to form a government. I was doing reasonably well until I heard Boris effing Johnson is the effing Foreign Secretary.

It's a good job we have 12 year olds giggling at swear words to keep us sane.

Lesley x

*note to self to look up history of postcodes and report back on a slow blip day

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