Red Squirrel


No Hiding Place


Yesterday when scouting around the front area of County Hall for my blip I spotted something unusual on one of the large felled tree trunks which are left and arranged for seating. An area of the trunk has obviously been attacked by some sort of virus, or perhaps used as host by an insect of some kind. The result was this stunning multi-coloured patterning. It kind of reminds me of a psychedelic semolina! I'd really love that as a table or something of that ilk. So I took some shots - had I not managed to get the Large Skipper on the Mallow, and the female Gatekeeper to which I also added a link, a shot of the tree trunk would have been my blip. But I discarded those shots as I figured I could always go back for more of them, whereas the 2 butterflies wouldn't be an option today!
That decision turned out to be to my benefit, as when I revisited the tree trunk today this striking slug was on the affected area. What a bonus! Its green and black skin pattern (one I've never seen before) looks like camoflage gear, though against this background it really doesn't work! It works for me though as it gives a great contrast against the colours of the tree trunk. I have to confess that it wasn't on the best area of patterning, so I gave it a little help in moving to where I ideally wanted it. Artistic license and all that ..... lol

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