A world of chance

By PrebuiltDave

Meet the Author

I love a good old self portrait!

Lets carry on this story shall we?

here is part 2

Here is part 3!

Pat ran into his tree house and woke up Lucy!

"Wake up lucy"

She was a heavy sleeper! Lucy suddenly opened her eyes and shouted at Pat.

"What are you doing?"

"Lucy i need to tell you something!"

Pat began to talk very fast when Lucy clutched her stomach and said "Pat its time! Were having our babies"

Pat looked at Lucy as she did him. He completely forgot about what had just happened, He rushed Lucy to the hospital. The next few hours would proof very difficult for Lucy.

Fast forward 7 hours and Pat is now sitting in a waiting room while Lucy has a C-section.

"Doctor? Hows Lucy doing?"

"I'm not going to lie Patrick she has lost a lot of blood."

Pat squeezed his paws to tiny little fists and tried to talk. His mouth was so dry all that came out was a low pitched squeak.

The doctor walked away leaving Pat to think to himself.

The doors to the surgery opened. two doctors came out and sat next to Pat.

"Hello Patrick, we have some bad news."

Patrick said nothing as his eyes shakes back and forth between the doctors gaze.

"During the birth Lucy gave it her all, She has given birth to 3 beautiful squirrellett's, however she had lost a lot of blood. I'm so sorry to say she has passed away."

"B.....Bu....But...She was my.."

The doctor put his paw on Pats shoulder and pressed hard into his skin. The feel of somebody pressing hard into his flesh sent him into a flood of tears as he went back into his mind remember all his memories with the one, the only Lucy.

"Can i see my children?"

"Of course follow me"

Pat walked into the room where Lucy had just died, He saw the white blanket
that was covering his now deceased love. He sprinted toward her body and tore the pristine white sheet.

"What? I don't understand."

He turned to the doctor. and rubbed his eyes. The doctor was gone. The walls were gone. The hospital was gone. He turned back to the body which had now completely gone.

He was standing in a field.

"Where am i?"

A drone like voice answered.

"You are where you want to be Patrick. You wanted answers. i am the one to give them."

To be continued.

OOoooooooo It's getting very odd now isn't it! what do we all think is going on?

Have a good day guys!

Keep on truckin'

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