A world of chance

By PrebuiltDave

Story continued...

If you have not read part one please press this

5 months had past since the accident, Pat and Lucy now live together and are in a great new relationship!

Pat was resting in his favorite chair when Lucy came in with amazing news!

"Were pregnant Pat, did you hear me pregnant!"

Pat looked at Lucy with lusting eyes and said "That's amazing hunny"

Pat went to his safe spot in his mind and thought back to the chance encounter with the worm. He remember he had said he would father 3 children and that one of them would do something.

"Have you had a scan Lucy?"

"Yes its triplets!" (Just so you know i'm not sure how many babies squirrels can have so this may not be spot on)

Pat looked at Lucy and said "I met a worm that told me i would father three children, one of them would be bad"

Lucy looked at pat with those eyes that say, "Don't be a Pratt pat!"

Pat calmed down and he thought how silly he sounded. How could a worm know the future?

They went to bed that night like the always do, but Pat was struggling to get to sleep. He went down to the leafy kitchen and got himself a nut to take the edge off.

He looked out of his barky window out to the hill. when in the moon light he saw what looked like a worm...

He ran out side screaming his little lungs out!


there was no reply. He ran faster and faster and finally got to the being.

"What? Wait?"

What he thought was a worm was really a small stick. Was Pat losing his mind?

He rubbed his eyes and told him self he has to snap out of it!

He walked back to the tree house looking at the stars.


"What was that?"

He looked behind him and hundreds of worms were now falling from the sky.

He ran towards the center of the falling worms which he later named a "Worm Hole" and held his paw out.

a single worm landed on his paw. As he looked at the worm the worm looked at him.

Pat then realized that every other worm had disappeared.

The worm looked into pats eyes and said "Paaattt Don't have children, it will end the world as we know it...." With that the worm took its final breathe and died in his paws.

...To be continued!

Well the story is taking a dark twist now isn't it! We have visions, children and a main character that does not know if he is going insane!

Keep on truckin'

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