Fantastic Friday

Managed to get all my jobs done and office cleaned in time to take the afternoon off today (glorious). We'll be clocking up a few hours this weekend so don't even have to feel bad about it.

Went to the library, got some books, wondered around the castle, took some pics, planned dinner, did some grocery shopping...all in the beautiful sunshine. Best afternoon off, ever!

There's a (hot) funny guy who works in the indoor market who gave us a lot of abuse for thinking that scotch bonnets were too hot. He nearly wrote 'lightweights' all over our chilli, cheeky beggar. Also, we got a big bag of free-range chicken wings for tonight's dinner. I thought I'd misheard the lady when she said £1.20 and felt a bit stupid handing over the money, thinking I'd made a mistake. Nope! Oh, and we bought a bucket full of Peanut Butter. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Hope you enjoyed my shopping diaries.

Glass of wine and a new book awaits. Happy weekend y'all.


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