a new year!

By Thesalh70

Tour De Manx Day 2

enjoying waking up to a glorious sea view - perfect! i woke early and quietly snook downtairs for a cuppa, and watched the red & white fishing boat trawl up and then back, right to left for ages - this being the view from bro's sofa!

breakfast was delicious smoked kippers, on brown toast, with a wedge of lemon....divine! we then settled down to watch Rebecca Adlingtons heat in the olympic 400m freestyle - she came first!

off out finally on tour de manx, and first stop was a tiny cove as the sun broke through. then a drive to Calf of Mann, glorious sunshine and we watched about 40 seals lapping up the sun. lunch there was beautiful.

drove then through Port St Mary, and continued south coast to Derbyhaven, and a wonderful stretch of beach. i took this picture there as we enjoyed a long walk and took in the sea air.

continued along the coast before heading back to Niarbyl (via the Fairy Bridge - you can't speak as you drive over it, otherwise bad luck!). afternoon tea at Niarbyl, and again the sun shone on, though we could see showers across the sea towards Ireland.

cases picked up and off to airport, flight on time to leave at 7.50pm. been checking all day, and so when our plane arrived in from Birmingham we went through security. there we were told of a 2 hour delay (which turned out to be 3 hours). shocking service from Fly Maybe, the only upside being that we saw Becky Adlington get bronze! the departure lounge shouting and cheering her on!

So, home finally at 1am and need to be up a 6am! still, we've had a wonderful time with bro - can't wait to visit again!

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