FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Bellis Perennis

Bellis is Latin for "pretty" and perennis is Latin for "everlasting".

The name "daisy" is considered a corruption of "day's eye" as the whole head closes at night and opens in the morning.

Young leaves are edible raw in salads and can be cooked. Flower buds and petals can be eaten raw or brewed as a tea and a vitamin supplement.

In ancient Rome surgeons accompanying thr Roman legions into battle relied on the juice extracted from the common daisy and bandages soaked in the juice were used to bind sword and spear wounds.

Bellis perennis is still used in homeopathic medicine as a treatment for wounds and after certain surgical procedures.

For those of you interested in what Newark Castle (from my Saturday blip) looks like, here is a link. Quite an impressive castle and worth a visit.

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