Let There Be Light

By solli

The Games

The swallows had abandoned their nests on Lenape Lane and were trying to keep cool on top of a Friedrich air conditioner when I arrived to the park. Their gathering reminded me of the old neighborhood, where friends congregated on their steps and stoops waiting for a chance to play boche ball or kickball.

This group had another kind of game in mind because they flew off one by one to swoop around a tree. A female swallow had flown in with something white attached to her bum which I first thought was tissue paper but was actually a white feather. She seemed a bit perturbed by it and spent some time switching her tail to try to shake it off. Mr. Swallow must have thought she was doing her come hither dance because he came around but I was the one who got lucky!

Today is The Wren's 300 blip birthday and swampy316's 365 blipday! It's a proper day for a celebration so please stop by and say hello!

To see the swallows flying on top of the air conditioner, please click here and here!

Thank you all for your stars and hearts over the past few days! I really appreciate your stopping by to comment on my journal! xo

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