Burnby Hall Gardens

Saturday 2nd July 2016 (1407)

24hrs of putting the world to rights with Huddsbird and a day out of photography has done me the world of good and lifted my recent low mood. I rediscovered my camera and photography mojo, at least for today!

We went to Burnby Hall Gardens near Pocklington to see the water lilies, although they weren't as fully out as we hoped. It is a great place though and the lilies that were out were lovely. There were also rather a lot of fish that insisted on being fed and, at times, were quite aggressive in their demands! I've never seen anything quite like it and you had to be careful photographing at the water's edge ... as Physivic found out. 

Physivic had a good day out, especially as he now has a camera of his own. As I have posted rubbish on blip recently I have included a number of extras of Physivic's day out.    

I had to come home late afternoon as I had to be on duty as an honorary senior citizen (!) at the Seniors dinner and concert this evening.  

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