Foot and mouth?

I know self diagnosis is a risky game, but what else can it be?

In bed at 9 last night and awake at 4. I'm getting a good nights sleep but my timing sucks. I fear I may be turning into a hamster and will soon sleep through the day and go for long meaningless runs at night with my jowls stuffed to bursting point with sunflower seeds. I even purchased an eye mask on Amazon at 04:30 in the vain hope that it may fix the issue assuming sunlight streaming through the curtains is the problem. Even if not, it won't be wasted. Diana likes a man in uniform and I can be the Lone Ranger.

Expecting some news on the job front this week. I met for the 2nd time with the CEO of the clinical research organization, the first job I applied for and I'm the only candidate left so if I don't get a job offer now that would really suck and for the second job I applied, the company are interviewing the shortlisted candidates this week. I interviewed on Monday and I'm hoping for news before the end of the week. It's been interesting and dare I say fun, but crunch time comes when you are made an offer and have to commit yourself. Anyone have a coin I can borrow?

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