
By DramaQueen

Day at the farm

I picked Theo up from Mums this morning; he'd just had a little sleep so was bounding with energy not helped by Mr A winding him up!.

He wasn't too sure when we set off on our 'venture', it is the first time we've been out alone together so I can understand his trepidation, even though he knows me.

I'd decided to take him to Smithills open farm, near Bolton as I'd had good reviews from Lesley at work about it; her little boy was kept amused for hours.
Theo though is a tough cookie to please he still maintains he doesn't like anything, my Sister warned me that he's not really interested in animals, but I thought once we got there, he might be ok.

We bought a bag of food and set about feeding various animals. Again, he wasn't too sure, but when I showed him it was ok so long as he kept his hand flat, he was soon happily feeding the goats, pigs and llamas.
We saw 2 huge snakes and some dinosaurs (lizards).

There were various activities throughout the day; feeding the lambs, holding baby chicks and a baby skunk and watching a milking demonstration, but Theo wasn't interested at all.

His favourite thing was the park I could have taken him to our local park for free!, I couldn't get him away from there.
He ran wild and loved all the little climbing frames, though he wussed out on going down the helter skelter on his own. So Gant had to climb up the rope ladder and go down the slide with Theo on her knee. Four times!

I bought tickets for a donkey ride, which he enjoyed, especially as it was quiet at the time so he got to choose which donkey he rode, and also a tractor ride, which we both enjoyed as we sat on the back of the trailer so it was extra bumpy. The tractor ride took us up to a field where we were given bread to feed the donkeys.

We had a picnic for lunch (nik nik as he called it), before going back to the park to play some more.

I'd promised him a present for being a good boy, so our last stop was in the shop where he chose a fishing set. As we walked back to the car he said 'that's fantastic'.
He was fun to spend time with, but I can see why Mum gets tired. I had to have a nap when I got home!

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