Stef and Oli

Today has been amazing!

We woke to blue skies and not a drop of rain, yay!

This morning we cruised Loch Ness before riding up the coastline to Urquhart Castle.
If ever a road was made for bikers, this has to be it!

From the castle, we continued to Inverness, dropped the bags at the b&b then went to Dores (which had been recommended to us by last nights hosts) for lunch.
At Dores, there's a little beach and it's also home to Steve Feltham, the famous Nessie hunter. He gave up everything (car, home, girlfriend) back in 1991 to pursue his dream of finding the monster; he's still looking!

Tonight we met with the subjects of my blip, Stef and Oli.
They are both from Germany, but Stef met Mr A 15 years ago when she lived & worked over here, they've remained friends ever since.
Stef is one of those rare people you meet and instantly feel like you've known forever.
I've only met her once before (when she made a point of thanking me for making Mr A the happiest she's ever seen him), but you wouldn't have guessed that tonight from the way we chatted.
Oli is equally as lovely, they make a lovely couple. Tonight was my first time meeting him.

They got married 2 weeks ago and have been honeymooning in their camper van around the Scottish isles.
When we discovered this coincided with our trip, we made plans to meet up.

So we've had a lovely chat over dinner mad drinks and made plans for our next get together.

Sadly we had to leave earlier than we would have liked as our b&b had a curfew of midnight before the door was locked for the night. Mr A said he felt like Cinderella!

Tomorrow we are off to Edinburgh, so if any of you lovely Blippers are around, let me know and I'll come and say hello :-)

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