
A remote access working day. Our son cut the lawn just before the torrential rain started afternoon.  After that showers or hard showers in the air ;) 

Our daughter, still studying somewhere in finnish woods, needed a lamp for her studies, so we decided to make a sightseeing with hubby and drove the lamp for her the evening. Happy she was, a bit wet too, but mostly anyway happy. Her boyfriend looked a bit muddy. They had just came back bicycling from the small routes from woods ;)

On our way back home we made a route and visited to Murole summer canal (sorry, only a finnish link, but you can see the place). Today of course the rain and thick clouds made the visit a bit miserable. Warm rain it was anyway, +17c, wet though. Beautiful excotic finnish green and sparsely inhabitated wet countryside around the small country roads... (And a busy garbage man with his big truck hanging at our tail - sigh - how BAD manners some finns have in traffic, pls see extra)

In the blip there is an old & historical bridge Aunessilta, which I defenately wanted to blip. It is made by Tampere Teisko Kämmenniemi granite and built between years 1898-1899.

Total length of the bridge is 46.7 meters and it is 19 meters high. Aunessilta  was founded upon a rock, in the link an old postcard of it (sorry again only finnish texts). It was designed by architect Georg Schreck. The bridge crossed the road between Tampere and Ruovesi, numbered in the 1970s as the regional road 338. The bridge was regurlaly used for general traffic until 1983. It was then replaced by Kaitavesi bridge nearby.

Aunessilta is now restored to a museum, and it has only light traffic use. There is a small rest stop near the bridge. The bridge Aunessilta belongs to the Finnish National Heritag, as nationally significant cultural environment also due it's significantly big size.

Hope my camera will dry properly...

In the evening watching Euro 2016 game between England and Iceland. In the 2.extra you can see how Iceland team maybe was selected? :D And did you hear the rumour, that the Prime minister of Iceland had promised tomorrow a bank holiday, if Iceland team wins England in football...? :)


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