A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Democracy in Action

I know you're not supposed to take a photo but I see no logic or reasoning in that so I like to ignore it. And I think our democracy should be celebrated. On a side note there was an amusing family discussion on irony this morning prompted by reading to the kids the official definition of the Commonwealth and the realisation that whilst it was stated that one of the things all the countries have in common is democracy as a value what they also have in common is an unelected head of state. But that's a fantasy referendum for another day.

For today it is this one. Which feels so very important and has been a little distracting all day. Interestingly my local area seems to be a clear Remain judging by the numbers of posters in windows and be-stickered people. I'm not feeling confident we are representative of the whole country though. But perhaps we could negotiate our own membership?

In more mundane news I made a quite beautiful toad in the hole, J has had a not brilliant but considerably better than yesterday day, we will shortly be heading off to watch the first of Anna's dance shows which includes an abbreviated version of Matilda. And it is Logan's 7th birthday - younger brother of godson who is also in the dance show and Matilda so that is how he will be celebrating.

Oh and I nearly forgot the most significant part of the referendum - finally Carlos and I did not turn up just to cancel each other's votes.

Lesley x

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