Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2012 Saturday — Wedding Date

Roger & Laura's big moment came today. The wedding ceremony was meaningful and the bride was beautiful. Between the two of them they have seven daughters. They were all in the wedding party.

We've known Roger for approximately 30 years. We watched him fall apart as his previous marriage unraveled and he waited for a lengthy amount of time hoping his wife would change her mind, but that never happened.

Then Roger took up bicycling and rode miles and miles. He spent hours occupying his time pedaling a bicycle. Then Laura entered his life a number of months ago. We don't know her story, but we're sure there have been some very tough moments for her. She is originally from Argentina. In this photo, she is explaining the meal that is about to be served and it was delicious.

This evening's celebration was lovely. We're glad we were there.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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